
Sequencher inverted repeat software
Sequencher inverted repeat software

sequencher inverted repeat software

Thus, the RegR box may assist in the identification of new RegR target genes not only in B.japonicum but also in other α-proteobacteria possessing RegR-like response regulators. A comparison of the RegR box with functional binding sites of the RegR-like regulator RegA of Rhodobacter capsulatus revealed considerable similarities. Based on these results, we defined a DNA motif comprising those nucleotides that are critical for RegR binding (RegR box 5′-GNG A GC A GTTNNGNCGC-3′). Notably, all 11 critical nucleotides were located either within the half sites of the inverted repeat (four nucleotides in each half site) or in the 5 bp spacer that separates the half sites (three nucleotides). This led to the identification of 11 critical nucleotides within a 17 bp minimal RegR binding site centered at position –64 upstream of the fixR-nifA transcription start site. In a parallel approach, band-shift experiments were performed with oligonucleotides comprising defined point or deletion mutations in the fixR UAS. The selected sequences comprised an imperfect inverted repeat (GCGGC-N 5-GTCGC) which is highly similar to an imperfect inverted repeat in the fixR UAS (GCGAC-N 5-GACGC). Here, we used an in vitro binding-site selection assay (SELEX) to more precisely define the DNA-binding specificity of RegR. In previous in vivo studies, we identified a 32 bp upstream activating sequence located around position –68, which is essential for RegR-dependent expression of the fixR-nifA operon. The only target known so far is the fixR-nifA operon, encoding the redox-responsive transcription factor NifA, which activates many genes required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation in soybean nodules. RegR is the response regulator of the RegSR two-component regulatory system in Bradyrhizobium japonicum.

Sequencher inverted repeat software